
A guarantee of a government that is not just open and honest in all aspects of its operations but also responsive and effective in carrying out those functions Our dedication to democratic ideas, such as open government in which all levels of government have an equal say in policy decisions, should be one of our most prominent defining characteristics.

We place a high focus on increasing the power granted to local governments since this will have the most significant bearing on the growth of grassroots organisations and local communities. Because of this, we will use a strategy called “bottom-up,” which involves communities, traditional institutions, native authorities, clans, and family units all actively participating in the formation and execution of policies. This methodology takes a “bottom-up” approach to solving problems.

In order to achieve long-term stability, continued economic prosperity, and progressive change, our administration will build on the work done by previous administrations.

We shall also strive toward making the Civil Service more enthusiastic, dynamic, and forward-thinking as a means of supporting these objectives. In order to accomplish this objective, we are going to make it a top priority to increase the capacities of the Civil Service, grant promotions and benefits at the proper periods, and encourage and reward creative problem-solving among government personnel.

We are committed to doing everything in our power to increase the participation of young people and women in political processes.

In order to cut down on waste and improve efficiency in these spheres, we need to work toward bolstering the honesty of the anti-corruption organisations in our state as well as our public procurement system.

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